I just received your initial evaluation and just want to tell you that this is one of the best, if not the best, reports that I've received from a PT facility.
Fully integrated inbound and outbound faxing will save you time, space, and the planet. Why store endless cabinets full of paper?
Printing and faxing outgoing records, or printing and scaning incoming records from a fax machine is a waste of time and money. Processing incoming and outgoing faxes also reduces the efficiencies gained from an EHR (electronic health records). The MediGraph web based fax manager eliminates these problems. Now you can fax from and receive faxes into your patients' medical records without a fax machine or telephone line. Save time, eliminate printing, eliminate paper costs, and maximize the efficiency gains of the MediGraph physical therapy software EHR System. The MediGraph physical therapy software E-Fax service cost less per month than having a dedicated fax line. Your current fax number can also be ported to the MediGrph physical therapy software E-Fax service to maintain continuity.